Restaurants Canada Show: Garland Culinary Competition

Day 1

Twelve chefs were given a ‘black box’ filled with local products included Quinta Quinoa, and they had to choose and cook with them. Check out the masterpieces made with your favourite Canadian-grown Quinta Quinoa:


Kevin Castonguay @kevineatsintoronto

Nick Chindamo @nickofnorth

Jane Tran @chauto

Mariam Echeverria @mariammtze

Tom Wade @cheftomelette

Bill Deslippe @Smashedappletradeco

Matthew Sullivan @matthewsullychef

Georgia Zimbel @georgiezimbel


Day 2

From the twelve competitors that cooked on day one, six were chosen to cook in today’s competition. They were given a ‘black box’ filled with sustainable and locally sourced products including Quinta Quinoa. Check out their beautifully made dishes!


Dustin Gallagher @dusty416

Alma Becerril @alma becerril

Nick Chindamo @nickofnorth

Georgia Zimbel @gergiezimbel

Andy Hay @andyeastcoastkitchen

Matthew Sullivan @matthewsullychef

Day 3

Day Three of the Garland Culinary Competition at the Restaurants Canada Show was filled with excitement! The two finalists, Chef Andy Hay (Andy’s East Coast Kitchen) and Chef Nick Chindamo (@nickofnorth), cooked these beautiful, creative, and sustainable masterpieces. Both used Canadian-grown Quinta Quinoa in one way or the other!🌱📍

Congratulations to both chefs for making this competition memorable!

The winner of the Garland Culinary Competition was Chef Nick Chindamo, Cook at The Inn at Bay Fortune! Throughout the competition, he cooked with various ingredients of the ‘black box’ including Quinta Quinoa. In the final round, Nick lit a sage bundle to ground himself, remember the importance of sustainability in the kitchen, and to thank the earth for providing all the products he cooked with at the #RCShow19.

Chef Andy, the second finalist of the competition, showed his East Coast roots to Toronto throughout this competition. In the last round, he created a sustainable fish taco using Canadian-grown Quinta Quinoa to make the tortilla!

Congratulations again to both of you! We look forward to following both of your culinary careers! Hopefully, we can cross paths soon.


Nick Chindamo @nickofnorth

Andy Hay @andyeastcoastkitchen

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